To learn more about any of the One-on-One services, below click on the service for a detailed description. To access any of these programs, please email us at or call 650-326-6686
Breast or ovarian cancer survivors provide support by sharing their personal experience with you over the phone. Through this program, we match you with a Buddy who experienced a similar diagnosis or treatment, or who can relate to you in other ways. Please call the Helpline (650-326-6686) to schedule your session.
*Please email us. Select from our wigs, hats, scarves, bras, and prostheses. Take home a Wig Tote, complete with a wig stand, shampoo and conditioner, brush, and wig care tips and resources. Find out more information here.
If you’re in treatment, this fund can help with expenses to keep you safely in your home or get the care you need, by helping with rent, utilities, co-pays, funeral expenses, medications, etc. Eligibility is limited to clients residing in the Monterey, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties. For more information about who is eligible and how to apply, please contact Lizeth Castillo, Financial Assistance Coordinator, at (650) 326-6299 ext. 11, or email her here.
Up to two one-on-one phone sessions with Nina Weil, CHTP, CJC. Reclaim your sense of well-being using Cancer Journey tools to identify where you are now and where you want to go, and to support your move into holistic healing and self-empowerment. Please call the Helpline (650-326-6686) to schedule your session.
A licensed therapist with experience helping women deal with cancer-related issues offers one or two free sessions by phone or in-person. We match you with a therapist based on your specific concern, your location, their area of expertise, and availability. Please call the Helpline (650-326-6686) to schedule your session.
The Helpline is answered by caring individuals who can offer support, navigate you through our services, or connect you with other resources in the community. Hablamos español.
Call 650-326-6686
Helpline: Monday–Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Office: Monday–Wednesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The staff work remotely on Thursday and Friday.
The Karen Swanson Fund is available to help fulfill a special need or end-of-life request for those with active metastatic (stage IV) breast or ovarian cancer. The fund is not meant to be used for medical treatment or basic living expenses, but for improving quality of life while living with cancer. Limited funds available. Clients must reside in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Please contact Lizeth Castillo, Financial Assistance Coordinator, at (650) 326-6299 ext. 11, or email her here.
A volunteer specialist can answer questions and offer strategizing and support regarding employment, employee benefit concerns, and health insurance. Please call the Helpline (650-326-6686) to schedule your session.
Has cancer affected your financial situation or created financial toxicity in your life? Eunsoo Chung, a triple-negative breast cancer survivor, CPA/PFS, CFP®, and Financial Coach, can help you create a plan that supports you in reaching your financial goals during or after treatment, or while living with cancer. Clients may receive up to two 45-minute coaching sessions via Google Meet. Please call the Helpline (650-326-6686) to schedule your session.